950c "No network protocol available." 950b "Logging stopped." 950a "Logging started." 9509 "Server initialization error '%s' in '%s'." 9508 "Server creation for DB '%s' initiated." 9507 "Server recovery for DB '%s' initiated." 9506 "Server run mode for DB '%s' initiated." 9505 "Server receives signal [%s]." 9504 "Server stopped." 9503 "Server killed." 9502 "Server ended." 9501 "Server started." 9500 "Internal error in client '%s'. Error is [%s]." 940b "No ack from client '%s' on protocol '%s'." 940a "Timeout during '%s'." 9409 "Resource error '%s' during '%s'." 9408 "Network error '%s' during '%s' on protocol '%s'." 9407 "Network error '%s' during '%s'." 9406 "Network sync error at address [%s]." 9405 "Network error [%s]." 9404 "Network error at address [%s] is [%s]." 9403 "Network connection is down." 9402 "Client '%s' quitted communication. Error is [%s]." 9401 "Client '%s' does not answer." 9400 "Deadlock detected." 9308 "Abort hdr received from client '%s' on protocol '%s'." 9307 "Unknown message hdr received: type = '%s'." 9306 "'%s' reports error '%s'." 9305 "No protocol for call '%s'." 9304 "Error '%s' during '%s' on protocol '%s'." 9303 "Error '%s' during '%s'." 9302 "User '%s' TA aborted by system. TA '%s'." 9301 "User '%s' TA rescheduled. TA '%s'." 9300 "User '%s' TA locked. TA '%s'." 9202 "User '%s' TA aborted. TA '%s'." 9201 "User '%s' TA committed. TA '%s'." 9200 "User '%s' TA started. TA '%s'." 9102 "User '%s' request finished. TA '%s'." 9101 "User '%s' request started. TA '%s'." 9100 "User '%s' request received. Pbid '%s'." 9001 "Error, not further described." 9000 "No error." 4f06 "Server: Memory manager error '%s' occurred." 4f05 "Server: Memory manager '%s' not found." 4f04 "Server: Virtual memory main memory slots exhausted. Increase tag VMMEMSLOTS" 4f03 "Server: Virtual memory exhausted." 4f02 "Server: Virtual memory initialization error." 4f01 "Server: General virtual memory error." 4f00 "Server: General memory error." 4440 "Server: No network protocol available." 4430 "Server: Transaction was stopped." 4416 "Server: Server aborted communication." 4415 "Server: Server '%s' does not answer." 4414 "Server: Database '%s' is in use by another server." 4413 "Server: Net ressources are exhausted." 4412 "Server: Could not reset net adapter." 4411 "Server: Duplicate server name '%s' detected." 4410 "Server: Connection to server lost." 4403 "Server: Communication sync error '%s'." 4402 "Server: Communication system error '%s' during '%s'." 4401 "Server: Communication system not found." 4400 "Server: General communication error occurred." 4321 "Server: Bad records in relation [%s] dropped. Rerun recover utility." 4320 "Server: Index [%s] dropped. Rerun recover utility." 4312 "Server: Cannot recover: bad clusters detected." 4311 "Server: Cannot recover: internal integrity violated." 4310 "Server: Cannot recover: too many bad pages detected." 4305 "Server: Database '%s' is in use." 4304 "Server: Integrity of record header is bad." 4303 "Server: Database in use, or integrity of page counter is bad." 4302 "Server: Checksum error occurred." 4301 "Server: Bad file size detected." 4300 "Server: Integrity error occurred." 4205 "Server: Parameter '%s' invalid in line '%s'." 4204 "Server: Switch '%s' is unknown in line '%s'." 4203 "Server: Parameter '%s' is unknown in line '%s'." 4202 "Server: End-of-file reached too early." 4201 "Server: Section '[%s]' not found." 4200 "Server: Syntax error: found '%s', expected '%s' in line '%s'." 4008 "Server: Error opening file '%s': path not found." 4007 "Server: Error reading data." 4006 "Server: Error writing data." 4005 "Server: Error closing file." 4004 "Server: Error creating file '%s': file exists." 4003 "Server: Error opening file '%s': file access error." 4002 "Server: Error opening file '%s': file not found." 4001 "Server: General I/O error." 4000 "Server: Error, not further described." 3f06 "Memory manager error '%s' occurred." 3f05 "Memory manager '%s' not found." 3f04 "Virtual memory main memory slots exhausted. Increase tag VMMEMSLOTS" 3f03 "Virtual memory exhausted." 3f02 "Virtual memory initialization error." 3f01 "General virtual memory error." 3f00 "General memory error." 3a05 "'%s' objects cannot be children of '%s' objects." 3a04 "Object '%s' is unknown by the system." 3a03 "Object '%s' does not own property '%s'." 3a02 "Maximum number of properties reached." 3a01 "Maximum number of objects reached." 3a00 "General SAA error occurred." 3903 "No more Requests available." 3902 "Result-Table overflow. Increase tag RESULTS." 3901 "System resource '%s' is not available." 3900 "General system resource error occurred." 3802 "Trial version not compatible with full-fledged version." 3801 "Version '%s' is not compatible with version '%s'." 3800 "General compatibility error occurred." 3607 "Request did not affect any records." 3606 "Value out of range." 3605 "Buffer overflow for field '%s'." 3604 "Column range overflow." 3603 "Cursor range overflow." 3602 "Empty table received as result." 3601 "No result data available." 3600 "General level 2 runtime error." 3503 "Cannot transform string '%s' to type decimal." 3502 "Values '%s', '%s' must have identical types." 3501 "Divison by zero." 3500 "General math error." 3440 "No network protocol available." 3430 "Transaction was stopped." 3416 "Server aborted communication." 3415 "Server '%s' does not answer." 3414 "Database '%s' is in use by another server." 3413 "Net ressources are exhausted." 3412 "Could not reset net adapter." 3411 "Duplicate server name '%s' detected." 3410 "Connection to server lost." 3403 "Communication sync error '%s'." 3402 "Communication system error '%s' during '%s'." 3401 "Communication system not found." 3400 "General communication error occurred." 3321 "Info: Bad records in relation [%s] dropped. Rerun recover utility." 3320 "Cannot recover: Index [%s] dropped. Rerun recover utility." 3312 "Cannot recover: bad clusters detected." 3311 "Cannot recover: internal integrity violated." 3310 "Cannot recover: too many bad pages detected." 3305 "Database '%s' is in use." 3304 "Integrity of record header is bad." 3303 "Database in use, or integrity of page counter is bad." 3302 "Checksum error occurred." 3301 "Bad file size detected." 3300 "Integrity error occurred." 3205 "Parameter '%s' invalid in line '%s'." 3204 "Switch '%s' is unknown in line '%s'." 3203 "Parameter '%s' is unknown in line '%s'." 3202 "End-of-file reached too early." 3201 "Section '[%s]' not found." 3200 "Syntax error: found '%s', expected '%s' in line '%s'." 3008 "Error opening file '%s': path not found." 3007 "Error reading data." 3006 "Error writing data." 3005 "Error closing file." 3004 "Error creating file '%s': file exists." 3003 "Error opening file '%s': file access error." 3002 "Error opening file '%s': file not found." 3001 "General I/O error." 3000 "Error, not further described." 2f06 "Memory manager error '%s' occurred." 2f05 "Memory manager '%s' not found." 2f04 "Virtual memory main memory slots exhausted. Increase tag VMMEMSLOTS" 2f03 "Virtual memory exhausted." 2f02 "Virtual memory initialization error." 2f01 "General virtual memory error." 2f00 "General memory error." 2701 "UNIQUE value exists for column '%s'." 2700 "NULL value not allowed for column '%s'." 2602 "User is not creator of relation '%s'." 2601 "Authorization failed. Access right '%s' not available." 2600 "Authorization failed and access denied." 25f1 "Union or intersection tables do not match." 25f0 "No join for operation '%s' supported." 2542 "Identifier '%s' is too large." 2541 "Found double column '%s'." 2540 "'%s' represents several tables." 2532 "Value '%s' has incompatible type." 2531 "Columns '%s' and '%s' have incompatible types." 2530 "Number of values does not match number of columns." 2522 "Too many users." 2521 "Too many columns for table." 2520 "Too many tables." 2512 "Index '%s' exists." 2511 "Column '%s' exists." 2510 "Table '%s' exists." 2503 "User '%s' does not exist." 2502 "Index '%s' does not exist." 2501 "Column '%s' does not exist." 2500 "Table '%s' does not exist." 2402 "Transaction was terminated on client request." 2401 "No transaction started." 2400 "No nested transactions allowed." 2330 "Integrity of blobs is violated." 230c "'%s' is out of range for datatype." 230b "Parameter '%s' is unknown or invalid." 230a "Bad usage of SUM or AVG function." 2309 "Conversion error: Value '%s' can not be converted implicitly." 2308 "Conversion error: Parameter is incompatible for operation '%s'." 2307 "Conversion error: Signed mismatch error for value '%s'." 2306 "Conversion error: Value '%s' contains illegal characters." 2305 "Conversion error: Value '%s' is out of range." 2304 "Division by zero occurred." 2303 "Function '%s' is not available." 2302 "Parameter '%s' has bad type." 2301 "Number of parameters is incorrect for function '%s'." 2300 "Incompatible parameters." 2216 "Too many expressions in projectionlist detected." 2215 "Too many columns selected. System limit is set to 64 colums." 2214 "Request is too complex." 2213 "Search condition limit reached." 2212 "Database size limit reached." 2211 "Transaction-Table overflow." 2210 "Lock-Table overflow. Increase tag SBLOCKS." 2205 "Access right creation error on '%s'." 2204 "Index creation error for column '%s'." 2203 "Column '%s' creation error." 2202 "Record creation error." 2201 "Table or stack overflow." 2200 "Server main memory overflow." 211d "Found '%s', expected number." 211c "Found '%s', expected factor." 211b "Found '%s', expected condition." 211a "Found '%s', expected user value." 2119 "Found '%s', expected access right." 2118 "Found '%s', expected password." 2117 "Found '%s', expected user name." 2116 "Found '%s', expected type name." 2115 "Found '%s', expected column name." 2114 "Found '%s', expected table/index name." 2113 "Found '%s', expected command." 2112 "Found '%s', expected '%s'." 2111 "Found '%s', expected 'end of request'." 2110 "End of request reached too early." 200f "Transaction ended, mailbox identifier is no longer valid." 200e "Account failed. User or password is not valid." 200d "Transaction aborted during deadlock." 2009 "File '%s' is no valid database or does not exist." 2008 "Requested resources are locked by other applications." 2003 "Bad internal command found." 2002 "Attempt to use an unimplemented feature." 2001 "Error, not further described." 2000 "No error." 11a0 "SAA application error." 1190 "System resource error." 1180 "Database compatibility error." 1160 "Result access error." 1150 "Math error." 1140 "Communication error." 1130 "Integrity error." 1120 "Startup problems." 1110 "Memory problems." 1100 "I/O problems." 1090 "Referential integrity error." 1080 "Authorization error." 1070 "Relation error." 1060 "Transaction error." 1050 "Internal language runtime error." 1040 "Internal language syntax error." 1030 "Internal language token error." 1020 "User-level syntax grammar error." 1010 "User-level language token error." 1000 "Fatal internal system error." 001c "ErrDivByZero" 001b "ErrAccess" 001a "ErrPassword" 0019 "ErrStopped" 0018 "ErrNet" 0017 "ErrSync" 0016 "ErrClient" 0015 "ErrServer" 0014 "ErrDoesNotExist" 0013 "ErrExists" 0012 "ErrBufferFull" 0011 "ErrNoMoreRecords" 0010 "ErrNoScan" 000f "ErrIntegity" 000e "ErrMemory" 000d "ErrFile" 000c "ErrRange" 000b "ErrNoFile" 000a "ErrFull" 0009 "ErrIO" 0008 "ErrNoBuffer" 0007 "ErrNoPage" 0006 "ErrNoSeg" 0005 "ErrLock" 0004 "ErrBadId" 0003 "ErrOther" 0002 "ErrFATAL" 0001 "ErrBAD" 0000 "No further description available."